Images below are of and by our program participants and exhibiting artists.
Membership Levels & Benefits

College Student $40/year
For currently enrolled college students with a valid Student ID
You'll have access to all Artist Level benefits (see below).
Please email a photo of your College Student ID to to confirm eligibility prior to receiving a Membership link

Supporter $60/year
For individuals & educators
Supporter Member benefits include:
- At least 20% discount on workshops & classes for Adults
- At least 10% discount on catalogs, merchandise, and print
- Access to members-only events such as annual Member Bash
- Check out art books from UTC Library
- Welcome gift

Artist $75/year
For seasoned & emerging artists of all types
You'll have access to all Supporter level benefits PLUS:
- 60% Commission rate on art sales
- At least 20% discount on workshops & classes for Adults (including professional development)
- Guaranteed acceptance into annual Membership Medley Exhibition (must submit work through call for artist)
- Free call to artist submissions to select exhibitions
- Eligible to participate in the Art at Work Program with 75% commission rate on art sales
- Free Access to Artist 2 Artist meet-ups
- New members receive an invitation to display work in the Smith & Wanish Gallery
- Eligible for Artist Member Feature in our e-newsletter

Family $120/year
Great for families and households with multiple artists
Your Family Member benefits include all lower level benefits PLUS:
- 20% discount on all programming for Youth & Adults
- Access to 900+ museums including the de Young with the NARM
- Free access to monthly First Saturday Drop In Activity Days designed for Youth & Family.
- Add an additional adult cardholder from your household and children to receive benefits up to 4
- 20% off Birthday Packages for up to 20 participants

TURQUOISE $250/year
Great for Small Businesses, Nonprofits and Artist Groups
Your Turquoise Member benefits include all lower level benefits PLUS:
- 20% Discount on Event Rentals
- Free access to meeting space once a month during gallery hours, per availability
- Recognition with link to website on the Blue Line Arts member page

Cobalt $500/year
Your Cobalt Member benefits include all lower level benefits PLUS:
- 10% Discount on all art purchases
- Recognition on the Donor Appreciation Wall
- Business logo and link on Membership Page
- Gift 1 membership at the Artist level
- Recognition in the annual Membership Medley Catalog
- Receive a free copy of the Membership Medley catalog and other select printed catalogs
Benefactor's Circle Memberships
For corporate membership options and individuals offering exceptional support to Blue Line Arts.

Sky Blue $1,000/year
Your Sky Blue Member benefits include all lower level benefits PLUS:
- Free access to a behind-the scenes Gallery Tour with the Director
- Recognition in annual Lottery for the Arts Catalog
- Exclusive guided tour with the SCG Artist in Residence (two per year)
- Business logo included in footer of monthly eblast

Azurite $2,000/year
Your Azurite Member benefits include all lower level benefits PLUS:
- Access to Prize Sponsor benefits for an exhibition of your choice
- Tabling & speaking opportunity at a reception event
- Receive access to a team building creative retreat for your organization with planning assistance from BLA staff
- 20% discount on Team Building Activity package at the gallery

Sapphire $3,000/year
Your Sapphire Member benefits include all lower level benefits PLUS:
- Complimentary Half-Day event Rental
- Complimentary Team Building Activity Package at the gallery

Royal Blue $5,000/year
Your Royal Blue Member benefits include all lower level benefits PLUS:
- Complimentary full-day gallery event rental
- Art at Work Exhibition at your office (rotates quarterly) for up to (500 sqft). Additional agreement required.
Custom Memberships
Interested in learning more about benefits customized for your Business?
Please contact our Development Coordinator at for consultations on custom corporate membership options such as the Art at Work program for your office.